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Azken ekitaldiak

EWRC 2024 - Creating a European Circular Innovation Valley (ECIV)

EWRC 2024 - Creating a European Circular Innovation Valley (ECIV)

09/10/2024 a las 16.30etan

In the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities, we wish to share with other regions our best practices on creating a European Circular Innovation Valley (ECIV) between 9 regional actors. 

This event will share with other regions our best practices on creating a European Circular Innovation Valley (ECIV) with nine regional actors. The ECIV project is expected to generate up to 35 collaborative innovation projects and up to 30 smaller collaborative experimentation projects in value chains of up to 10 industrial sectors. The specific objectives of the project include mobilising, energising and connecting nine regional European circular economy innovation ecosystems.

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