Navarra in institutions

Council of the European Union

Council of the European Union

The Council of the EU is made up of the sectoral ministers of the governments of each member country.

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European Parliament

European Parliament

It acts as a co-legislator, sharing with the Council the powers to adopt and modify legislative proposals and decide the budget of the European Union.

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Conference for Issues Related to the European Union

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European Comission

European Comission

Composed of twenty-seven commissioners, one from each member state of the European Union.

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European Committee of the Regions

European Committee of the Regions

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is the voice of the regions and municipalities of the European Union.

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Coordination of the Spanish Regional Offices

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Council of the European Union

Council of the European Union

The Council of the EU, also called “the Council”, is made up of the sectoral ministers of the governments of each member country, who meet to debate, modify and adopt legislative measures and coordinate the respective policies. Each minister has powers to assume commitments on behalf of his/her Government in relation to the actions agreed in the meetings.

The participation of each Autonomous Community is always carried out in the name and representation of all the regions, accompanying the central government delegation. As a general rule, participation is rotated in periods of six months, for each thematic area. Generally, Navarra coordinates a thematic semester each year. Thus, in 2021 he coordinated agriculture and during that semester the reform of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) was approved, in 2020 youth and sport, in 2019 consumption and competition. This participation is channelled through agreed common positions that may influence the adoption of a legislative or other text by the Council of the EU.

Not to be confused with the European Council, which is an institution of the European Union made up of the heads of State or Government of the Member States plus the President of the European Commission, and which plans the policies of the European Union; nor with the Council of Europe, an international organization based in Strasbourg that counts among its members 46 European countries. It was created to promote democracy and protect human rights and the rule of law in Europe.

Council of the European Union
Council of the European Union
Council of the European Union
Council of the European Union
Council of the European Union
Council of the European Union
Council of the European Union
Council of the European Union

European Parliament

European Parliament

The European Parliament acts as a co-legislator, sharing with the Council the powers to adopt and amend legislative proposals and decide on the EU budget. It also oversees the activity of the Commission and other EU bodies, and cooperates with the parliaments of the EU Member States. The citizens of the Member States elect directly through their vote the members of the European Parliament, which currently number 705. The number of MEPs in each country is approximately proportional to its population.

Navarra participates in the European Parliament, through representatives of different political parties in Navarra. Each of them participates in different thematic parliamentary committees such as IMCO - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, ENVI Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety or LIBE Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

European Parliament
European Parliament
European Parliament



Navarra is member of the Conference for Issues Related to the European Union (CARUE), a cooperation body between the state and the autonomous communities, whose mission is to promote the participation of the autonomous governments in each of the EU policies that affect their skills. Through this participation, the common position of the State vis-ŕ-vis the EU is established.

The Minister of Citizen Relations is the full member of the CARUE group and the General Director of Foreign Action is the substitute member of this working group led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.


European Comission

European Comission

The European Commission is made up of twenty-seven commissioners, one from each EU member state. The Commission is the engine of EU politics, as it is responsible for submitting legislative proposals to the Council of the EU and the European Parliament. Also, the Commission is the "guardian of Union Law" and controls the application and execution of primary and secondary Union Law by the member states; is representative of community interests. In essence, it is an executive or government body of the EU that in certain areas proposes decisions to the Parliament and the Council.

Navarra participates in the decisions of the European Commission through the so-called comitology. Comitology refers to a set of procedures by which EU countries monitor the way in which the European Commission applies legislation. In order to apply a legal rule, the Commission must first consult a committee in which all member countries are represented, on the detailed measures it proposes to implement it. In the 2018-2021 period, Navarra was part of 17 committees on various topics.

For matters that concern this Community Institution, Navarra participates, directly and actively through the Directorate General for External Action, in matters such as the Horizon Europe Program from which European funding can be obtained in terms of R+D+i (innovation , development and research).

European Comission
European Comission
European Comission
European Comission
European Comission
European Comission

European Committee of the Regions

European Committee of the Regions

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is the voice of local and regional authorities throughout the European Union. Represents and advises on new laws that have an impact on regions and cities (70% of EU legislation). It acts as an advisory body, and must be consulted by the European Commission, the Council and the European Parliament on any key issue with regional repercussions in community areas, which represents more than two thirds of the EU's legislative production. It can also issue own-initiative opinions, which allows issues of concern to local and regional authorities to be placed on the European agenda.


The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) holds up to 6 plenary sessions a year and is made up of 353 representatives of regional and local authorities from the 27 EU member states. The Spanish delegation of the CoR brings together the representatives of the autonomous communities and local authorities (usually regional presidents and mayors).


The representative of the Comunidad Foral de Navarra is the President of the Government and the alternate member is the General Director of External Action. Navarra has an important role in two of the parliamentary commissions of this political body: in the Economic Policy Commission (ECON) and in the Social, Education, Employment, Research and Cultural Policy Commission (SEDEC). In the ECON commission, the delegation of Navarra to the EU has the commitment since 2020 to follow the meetings and inform the rest of the Spanish regions, preparing the minutes of the meetings.


Navarra, also through its delegation in Brussels, actively participates in the interregional group (intergroup) Future of the Automotive Industry, on the automotive sector. In this context, two high-level events are organised every year. In addition, the delegation participates in the group dedicated to health, and this collaboration also materializes in the organization of events.


Other commissions: CIVEX, COTER, ENVE, NAT and other interregional groups: Baltic Sea Regions, Brexit, Carpathians, Cross-Border Cooperation, Health, Insular Regions.



The delegation of Navarra to the European Union collaborates actively with the other regional delegations in Brussels through an informal collaboration framework, which allows the exchange of information on European policies and favours meetings with actors from the European institutions.

Every six months, a delegation assumes the coordination of the rest and the collaboration materializes in the organization of meetings with directors of the European institutions to talk about topics of interest. In the second half of 2021, for example, the Navarra delegation in Brussels assumed this coordination, which resulted in 12 meetings with representatives of the European Commission, the GROW General Directorates (Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs), and AGRI (Agriculture and Rural Development), with a member of the cabinet of the President of the European Commission, with directors of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, among others.


Navarra in institutions

Download the informative brochure with all the information related to the participation of Navarre in the European Union at different levels:

  • IN THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS, through the competent State bodies, such as the Council of the EU and the European Commission.
  • IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, directly, through the Navarrese MEPs.
  • IN THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS (CdR), an advisory body of the EU, open to the European regions, directly through the President and the General Director of External Action of the Government of Navarre.
  • OTHER BODIES WITH DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS AND AT AN INTERNAL LEVEL BETWEEN THE GENERAL STATE ADMINISTRATION AND THE AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITIES. In the Conference for Matters Related to the EU (CARUE), Navarre participates directly together with the other Spanish regions for internal matters according to their competencies.